There is a bug with the advancement of ranger into the 4th job class bowmaster. My friend and both experienced this. Upon reaching 120, After i advaced to a bowmaster, i will dc like after 5 mins or so, and when i log in, im a lvl 120 ranger instead of a bowmaster. I pmed sadness and asked him to help me with this, but it still did not work. he lvled me up to 123, i took the advancement, but still, i dc and then back to a ranger i became. I am not sure what is going on, but i hope this will be resolved quickly as school is reopening and i wanna play my bowmaster ASAP, coz when sch reopens i havta concentrate on my O's.
If anyone have this problem or any other problems related to this job, pls feel free to share your opinion =) thanks
From : Fungus. the troubled bowman